- still life oil painting
- Diane, Barb, Pat, Pamela
PAINTING CLASS- Oil, Acrylic or Watercolor
We meet each week and do a variety of class projects: working from still life, landscape photos, experimenting with different styles and artistic approaches. We will vary the days with class assignments and independent projects. Constructive critique help move the student to the next level of their artistic practice. You can bring your art supplies in what medium you have on hand.
Instructor: Allison LeBaron
Meets:Tuesdays 11:00am – 1:15pm
Instruction & Facility Fee: $30 per class (paid by the month), ($50 for one trial class)
Materials: Bring all your art supplies that you already own. Please DON’T buy a set of art materials from our local craft stores. They don’t have what we need. Order your art supplies from Blick Art Supplies in order to get the least expensive and best quality for the price ($160) See below for the proper art supplies. SUPPLY SOURCE Beginning Oil Painting Supplies | Intermediate Oil Painting Supplies
Email artalley717@gmail.com to specify starting month
Oil Painting Supply List
Long handled oil/acrylic painting brush sizes – #4 filbert, #4 flat, #0 or #1 or #2 round, #2 liner, fan brush -large
Oil Paint Colors:
White- large tube Permalba
French Ultra Marine
Phthalo blue or some turquoise (not Winton)
Alizarin Crimson
Rose Madder- (Georgian Daler-Rowney)
Cadmium yellow medium or primary yellow
(We will learn how to make Black and Brown from the primary colors in class)
One – 8 x 8 “
One – 9 x 12″
One – 11 x 14″
Two – Your choice size
Palette knife – small metal tip, (not a set of white plastic knives)
Medium – Chroma Archival Brand only (I have some for sale)
Ivory soap – bar to clean brushes to share (grocery store)
Paper Palette: Wax coated pad – 12 x 16 (no smaller palette please)
Sketch book – Spiral bound black hard cover 8-1/2 – 11
Pencil set (hard and soft varieties)
Paper towels – Viva brand 1-roll for 6 weeks to share Table
Optional Items:
Table Easel – (optional)
Tool box – to carry paint, size should be long enough to comfortably hold long brushes
Masterson Storage box –(optional) for wet paint 12 x 16
Canvas bag – to hold canvases (optional)
Cardboard Box – to carry home wet painting (lid of computer paper box)
Start with the basic supplies for Beginning Oil Painting, then add more colors to your palette. Direct Link to additional supplies at “Blick U” —
Intermediate Painting added supplies:
Cadmium orange medium
Sap green
Burnt Sienna
Dioxizine Purple
Cadmium Yellow deep
Vandyke Brown
Solvent- Chroma Archival
Brush Cleaning jar with spring
Large canvas over 18 x 24″
Color shaper- (rubber tipped tool)
Watercolor supply list
1 inch flat
½ inch flat
¼ inch flat
round brush with fine tip
long liner
Watercolor paint: small tubes of liquid paint – any brand
Phthalo blue
French ultramarine
Primary yellow or cadmium yellow light
Cadmium yellow medium
Rose madder
Burnt Sienna
cadmium orange
Palette – Enamel butcher tray or large white watercolor tray
Watercolor Paper: Arches – cold press – 140# – 1 sheet
painters tape – 1″
Hard Bound Sketchbook – 8-1/2 x 11
Pencil set
Eraser – kneaded or white
Ruler – 18” metal
Paper art envelope (large flat carrying case)
Refund Policy
By registering for any class you agree to the refund policy and all other guidelines of Art Alley Studio.