Kiln Apprenticeship

KILN USE at Art Alley Studio

Bisque firing is included for students and members when using ART ALLEY clay 
Glaze firing – $.025/cu in. per pot, $15 – ½ shelf, $25 – full shelf.
Students and members who want to learn how to fire an electric kiln can become a Firing apprentice. You will load approximately ten kilns, both bisque and glaze under supervision. Members who can load, fire, and clean up effectively, without supervision, can load and fire their own work without supervision. $50 for course of instruction + 10 hours of loading/unloading practice.

Experienced clay firers pay $80 for full kiln – reserve on calendar, fill out firing ledger, write down the start and finish meter reading. Before firing turn on fan in window facing out. Turn off  A/C. Check to see if the kiln is finished firing at the estimated finishing time. Always go into the studio and confirm that the kiln is complete and safely off when it is predicted. Text Allison with an affirmation that the kiln is working normally, the top peep plug is inserted to slow the kiln from rapid cooling and that the kiln firer has kept the firing foremost in their mind all the way through the process.

Turn the A/C back on in the morning. Wait 24 hrs before unloading or when the temp. comes down to 100F. Don’t use gloves to unload hot pots. Wash kiln shelves after firing: no wash on the side or bottom of shelf. Kiln shelves fired wet are likely to chip after only one firing. Sweep up chips and put away kiln post furniture by size.
FIRING RECEIPT- Use the firing receipt for firing fees. Use “maker’s mark” box to indicate your personal signature. White receipt goes in the bank box with a check or cash. (no need to fold checks or attach cash to receipt). Yellow slip goes with the pot on the glaze shelf. Don’t make 2 receipts for firing.
FIRING FEES are labeled on the slip. $1.00 is the smallest fee that is collected for any very small piece. Measure with Length x Width x Height x .025 to estimate cost of firing.  Do not use 1″ as the smallest measurement. Use 2″ or larger.  Add an 1″ for clearance of the shelf above.I accept work made outside of the studio to fire if it can be proven what temp clay you are using. When outside clay is okayed by Allison a $10 fee is incurred per bag for bisque firing.
Always confirm that the kiln is off when it is predicted by checking it and then texting Allison.